426 Unique Pretty Last Names for Girls and Boys

Are you tired of the same old last names? Looking for unique and pretty last names to complete your baby’s identity?

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we have curated an enchanting selection of pretty last names for both girls and boys.

Whether you want something sophisticated or whimsical, these pretty surnames will add a touch of elegance to any first name.

Get ready to find the perfect complement to your child’s unique personality!

245 Unique Pretty Last Names for Girls and their Meanings

Pretty Last Names for girls

We’ll start by looking at 245 unique pretty last names for girls. We’ve arranged them alphabetically to help you better choose a name for your little princess 🙂

Abigail – “Father’s joy” or “Gives joy.”

Ada – A name with several possible meanings, including “noble” and “prosperous.”

Adeline – A variation of Adela, meaning “noble” or “noble and kind.”

Adriana – The feminine form of Adrian, which means “man of Adria,” referring to the Adriatic Sea region.

Aella – A Greek name meaning “whirlwind” or “storm.”

Aisha – An Arabic name meaning “alive” or “living.”

Alana – A name of Irish origin, meaning “fair” or “beautiful.”

Alba – A Latin name meaning “dawn” or “white.”

Alejandra – The Spanish form of Alexandra, meaning “defender of mankind.”

Alice – A name of German origin, meaning “noble” or “noble kind.”

Alicia – A variation of Alice, also meaning “noble” or “noble kind.”

Alina – A name with various origins, including Slavic and Romanian, meaning “bright” or “beautiful.”

Alison – A variant of Alice, meaning “noble” or “exalted.”

Amelia – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “work” or “industrious.”

Amy – A name with French and Latin roots, meaning “beloved.”

Ana – A form of Anna, which means “grace” or “favor.”

Anastasia – A Greek name meaning “resurrection” or “rebirth.”

Angela – Derived from the Greek word for “messenger” or “angel.”

Anna – A name with multiple meanings, including “grace” or “favor.”

Annika – A diminutive of Anna, meaning “grace” or “favor.”

April – Derived from the Latin word “aperire,” meaning “to open” or “springtime.”

Arabella – A name of Latin origin, meaning “beautiful” or “yielding to prayer.”

Aria – An Italian name meaning “air” or “melody.”

Ariana – A variant of Ariadne, meaning “most holy” or “very holy.”

Ariel – Of Hebrew origin, it means “lion of God” or “God’s hearth.”

Ashley – A name with English roots, possibly meaning “ash tree meadow.”

Aurora – Named after the Roman goddess of the dawn, meaning “dawn” or “morning.”

Autumn – Refers to the season of fall.

Ava – A name of uncertain origin but often associated with “bird” or “life.”

Avery – An English name meaning “ruler of the elves.”

Ayla – A Turkish name meaning “moonlight” or “halo of light.”

Beatrix – A Latin name meaning “she who brings happiness” or “blessed.”

Bella – A name of Italian origin, meaning “beautiful.”

Bianca – An Italian name meaning “white” or “pure.”

Blair – Of Scottish origin, meaning “field” or “plain.”

Blake – Originally an English surname, meaning “black” or “dark.”

Blythe – An English name meaning “free spirit” or “joyous.”

Brooke – Refers to a small stream or brook.

Brynn – Of Welsh origin, meaning “hill” or “mound.”

Caitlin – An Irish name, a variation of Katherine, meaning “pure” or “clear.”

Callie – A diminutive of Caroline, meaning “free man” or “strong.”

Camila – A name with Latin roots, possibly meaning “virgin” or “unblemished.”

Camille – The French form of Camilla, meaning “young ceremonial attendant.”

Caroline – A feminine form of Charles, meaning “free man.”

Catherine – A name with Greek origins, meaning “pure” or “clear.”

Celeste – Of Latin origin, meaning “heavenly” or “celestial.”

Charlotte – A name of French origin, meaning “free man” or “petite.”

Chloe – A Greek name meaning “green shoot” or “young, green vegetation.”

Claire – A French name meaning “clear” or “bright.”

Clara – A name of Latin origin, meaning “clear” or “bright.”

Claudia – A name of Latin origin, meaning “lame” or “disabled.”

Clementine – A Latin name meaning “mild” or “merciful.”

Cora – A Greek name meaning “maiden” or “maiden-like.”

Coraline – A variation of Coral, referring to the precious marine material coral.

Courtney – An English name with uncertain origin and meaning.

Cristina – A variant of Christina, meaning “follower of Christ.”

Crystal – A name that refers to the clear, transparent gemstone crystal.

Dahlia – Named after the flower Dahlia, which is named in honor of botanist Anders Dahl.

Daisy – A flower name, representing the daisy flower, which symbolizes purity and innocence.

Dakota – A Native American name referring to the Dakota people, meaning “friend” or “ally.”

Dana – A name with multiple origins and meanings, including “wise” in Irish and “God is my judge” in Hebrew.

Danielle – A feminine form of Daniel, meaning “God is my judge.”

Daphne – A Greek name, meaning “laurel” or “bay tree.”

Darcy – An English name with uncertain origin and meaning.

Delilah – A Hebrew name meaning “delicate” or “weakened.”

Diana – A name of Latin origin, referring to the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting.

Dylan – A Welsh name, meaning “son of the sea” or “son of the wave.”

Eden – A Hebrew name meaning “paradise” or “delight.”

Eleanor – A name of Greek origin, meaning “shining light” or “bright one.”

Elena – A name with various origins, including Greek, meaning “light” or “torch.”

Elise – A name of French origin, often considered a short form of Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God.”

Eliza – A diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God.”

Ella – A name with uncertain origin and meaning, often considered a short form of Eleanor or Ellen.

Ellie – A diminutive of Eleanor or Ellen, meaning “shining light” or “bright one.”

Eloise – A name of French and German origin, meaning “healthy” or “wide.”

Emily – A name of Latin origin, meaning “rival” or “eager.”

Emma – A name of German origin, meaning “whole” or “universal.”

Erica – A name of Norse origin, meaning “eternal ruler.”

Evelyn – A name of English origin, meaning “life” or “desired.”

Everly – A name with uncertain origin and meaning.

Faith – A word name representing belief and trust in religious contexts.

Felicity – A Latin name meaning “happiness” or “good fortune.”

Fiona – An Irish name, possibly meaning “fair” or “white.”

Florence – A Latin name meaning “prosperous” or “flourishing.”

Francesca – An Italian name, a feminine form of Francis, meaning “Frenchman” or “free man.”

Freya – A Norse name, referring to the goddess of love and beauty.

Gabriella – A feminine form of Gabriel, meaning “God is my strength.”

Gabrielle – A French variation of Gabriel, also meaning “God is my strength.”

Gemma – An Italian name, meaning “gem” or “jewel.”

Genevieve – A French name, meaning “tribe woman” or “woman of the people.”

Georgia – A name of Greek origin, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker.”

Gianna – An Italian name, a diminutive of Giovanna, meaning “God is gracious.”

Giselle – A German name, meaning “pledge” or “hostage.”

Grace – A name representing elegance, charm, and divine grace.

Hannah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “grace” or “favor.”

Harper – A name representing a harp player or musician.

Hazel – A name referring to the hazel tree or the hazelnut.

Heather – A name representing the heather plant, associated with Scotland.

Helena – A name of Greek origin, meaning “bright” or “shining light.”

Holly – A name representing the holly tree, often associated with Christmas.

Hope – A word name representing the feeling of optimism and expectation.

Isabella – A variant of Isabel, a Spanish and Italian name meaning “God is my oath.”

Isabelle – A French variant of Isabel, also meaning “God is my oath.”

Isla – A Scottish name referring to the island, often associated with “island” or “river.”

Ivy – A name representing the evergreen climbing plant.

Jacqueline – A French name meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows.”

Jade – A name representing the green gemstone jade, associated with purity and harmony.

Jamie – A name of uncertain origin and meaning, often considered a diminutive of James or Jacob.

Jane – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is gracious.”

Jasmine – A name of Persian origin, referring to the fragrant flower.

Jenna – A name of English origin, often considered a diminutive of Jennifer or Jennifer.

Jennifer – A Welsh name meaning “white wave” or “fair and smooth.”

Jessica – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “to behold” or “foresight.”

Jewel – A word name representing a precious gem or valuable object.

Julia – A name of Latin origin, often considered a feminine form of Julius, meaning “youthful.”

Juliet – A diminutive of Julia, often associated with Shakespeare’s tragic heroine.

Juniper – A name representing the juniper tree, known for its berries used in flavoring.

Justine – A Latin name meaning “just” or “fair.”

Kaia – A name with various origins, including Greek and Hawaiian, often meaning “earth” or “pure.”

Katherine – A name of Greek origin, meaning “pure” or “clear.”

Kayla – A name of uncertain origin and meaning, possibly derived from Katherine.

Kelly – An Irish name, meaning “warrior” or “bright-headed.”

Kendall – An English name meaning “valley of the River Kent.”

Kennedy – An Irish name meaning “misshapen head.”

Kimberly – An English name, possibly meaning “Cyneburg’s field” or “royal fortress.”

Kira – A name with various origins, including Russian and Greek, meaning “ruler” or “lord.”

Kylie – A name of Australian Aboriginal origin, possibly meaning “boomerang.”

Laci – A name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Laura – A name of Latin origin, meaning “laurel” or “victory.”

Lauren – A name of English origin, often considered a feminine form of Laurence.

Leah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “weary” or “mistress.”

Leanne – A name combining Lee, meaning “meadow,” and Anne, meaning “grace.”

Lila – A name with various origins, often meaning “purple” or “lilac.”

Lily – A name representing the lily flower, associated with purity and beauty.

Lindsay – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “Lincoln’s island.”

Lindsey – A name with English and Scottish origins, also referring to Lincoln’s island.

Logan – A Scottish name meaning “little hollow” or “small meadow.”

Lola – A name of Spanish origin, often considered a diminutive of Dolores, meaning “sorrows.”

London – A name referring to the capital city of England.

Lucy – A name of Latin origin, meaning “light” or “illumination.”

Luna – A Latin name meaning “moon.”

Lydia – An ancient Greek name, referring to the region of Lydia in Asia Minor.

Lyra – A name of Greek origin, referring to the lyre, a musical instrument.

Madeline – A variation of Madeleine, meaning “woman from Magdala.”

Madison – A name of English origin, often considered a feminine form of Matthew.

Maggie – A diminutive of Margaret, meaning “pearl.”

Mallory – A name of French origin, possibly meaning “unlucky.”

Maria – A name of Latin origin, meaning “beloved” or “sea of bitterness.”

Marilyn – A combination of Mary, meaning “beloved,” and Lynn, meaning “lake.”

Martha – A name of Aramaic origin, meaning “lady” or “mistress.”

Mary – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “beloved” or “bitter.”

Matilda – A Germanic name meaning “mighty in battle.”

Megan – A Welsh name, often considered a diminutive of Margaret, meaning “pearl.”

Melanie – A Greek name meaning “black” or “dark.”

Melissa – A Greek name, often associated with honey, meaning “bee.”

Mercedes – A Spanish name, meaning “mercies” or “gifts.”

Mia – A name with various origins, often meaning “mine” or “wished-for child.”

Michelle – A French name, a feminine form of Michael, meaning “who is like God.”

Mila – A name with Slavic origins, meaning “gracious” or “dear.”

Mira – A name with various origins, including Latin and Slavic, meaning “wonder” or “peace.”

Molly – A diminutive of Mary, meaning “beloved” or “bitter.”

Monica – A name of Greek origin, meaning “advisor” or “alone.”

Morgan – A name with Welsh origins, meaning “sea circle” or “bright sea.”

Nadia – A name of Russian origin, meaning “hope.”

Natalia – A name of Latin origin, meaning “born on Christmas Day.”

Natalie – A name derived from Natalia, also meaning “born on Christmas Day.”

Nicole – A French name, meaning “victory of the people.”

Nina – A name of Russian origin, often considered a diminutive of names ending in -nina, meaning “grace.”

Noelle – A French name, meaning “Christmas.”

Nora – A name of Irish origin, often considered a diminutive of Honora, meaning “honor.”

Olivia – A name of Latin origin, meaning “olive tree” or “peace.”

Ophelia – A Greek name meaning “help” or “aid.”

Orla – An Irish name, meaning “golden princess” or “golden lady.”

Paige – A name referring to a page or servant.

Paisley – A Scottish name, possibly referring to a patterned fabric design.

Pamela – A name of English origin, often considered a combination of “pan” (all) and “melos” (song).

Paris – A name with uncertain origin and meaning, often associated with the capital of France.

Patricia – A name of Latin origin, meaning “noble” or “noblewoman.”

Paula – A feminine form of Paul, meaning “small” or “humble.”

Payton – A name of uncertain origin and meaning, often considered a variant of Peyton.

Penelope – A Greek name meaning “weaver” or “duck.”

Peyton – A name with uncertain origin and meaning.

Phoebe – A Greek name meaning “bright” or “radiant.”

Piper – A name referring to a player of the musical instrument, the pipe.

Poppy – A name referring to the red flower, often associated with remembrance.

Priscilla – A Latin name, meaning “ancient” or “venerable.”

Quinn – An Irish name, meaning “counsel” or “wisdom.”

Rachel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “ewe” or “female sheep.”

Rebecca – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “to tie” or “to bind.”

Regina – A Latin name, meaning “queen” or “ruler.”

Renee – A French name, meaning “reborn” or “born again.”

Rihanna – A name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Riley – An Irish name, meaning “courageous” or “valiant.”

Rita – A name of Spanish and Italian origin, often considered a diminutive of Margarita, meaning “pearl.”

River – A name referring to a flowing body of water.

Robin – A name of English origin, referring to the bird.

Rosa – A Latin name, meaning “rose.”

Rose – A name representing the rose flower, symbolizing love and beauty.

Rosemary – A name combining Rose and Mary, often associated with the herb rosemary.

Rosie – A diminutive of Rose, meaning “rose.”

Ruby – A name representing the red gemstone ruby, symbolizing passion and energy.

Ruth – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “compassionate friend” or “companion.”

Sabrina – A name of uncertain origin and meaning, often associated with the Sabrina river in England.

Sage – A name referring to the aromatic herb sage, symbolizing wisdom and purification.

Samantha – A name of uncertain origin and meaning, possibly derived from Samuel.

Sandra – A name often considered a diminutive of Alexandra or Alessandra, meaning “defender of mankind.”

Sarah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “princess” or “noblewoman.”

Savannah – A name referring to open grassy plains or savannahs.

Scarlet – A name representing the color scarlet, often associated with passion and intensity.

Selena – A name of Greek origin, meaning “moon goddess.”

Seraphina – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “burning one” or “seraphim” (a type of angel).

Shannon – An Irish name, referring to the Shannon River, possibly meaning “wise river.”

Shelby – A name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Sierra – A name referring to mountain ranges, often associated with strength and nature.

Sophia – A name of Greek origin, meaning “wisdom.”

Sophie – A French diminutive of Sophia, also meaning “wisdom.”

Stella – A Latin name, meaning “star.”

Summer – A name representing the season of summer, associated with warmth and vitality.

Sydney – A name referring to the city of Sydney in Australia.

Sylvia – A name of Latin origin, possibly meaning “wooded” or “wild.”

Talia – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “dew from God.”

Taylor – A name often considered gender-neutral, meaning “tailor” or “clothing maker.”

Tessa – A diminutive of Theresa or Terezia, meaning “harvester” or “to reap.”

Thea – A name of Greek origin, meaning “goddess” or “divine.”

Tiffany – A name often considered a reference to the luxury jewelry brand Tiffany & Co.

Tina – A diminutive of Christina or Christine, meaning “follower of Christ.”

Trinity – A word name representing the concept of the Holy Trinity in Christian theology.

Ulyana – A name with uncertain origin and meaning.

Ulyssa – A name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Ursa – A Latin name, meaning “bear,” often associated with the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Valentina – A Latin name, meaning “strong” or “healthy.”

Vanessa – A name created by author Jonathan Swift, possibly derived from “Vanessa” (a butterfly).

Veda – A name of Sanskrit origin, meaning “knowledge” or “sacred knowledge.”

Violet – A name representing the violet flower, symbolizing modesty and faithfulness.

Waverly – A name often considered to refer to “meadow of quivering aspens.”

Willow – A name representing the willow tree, symbolizing flexibility and grace.

Wren – A name referring to a small bird known for its melodic song.

Xena – A name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Ximena – A Spanish name, often considered a variation of Jimena, meaning “hear.”

Xyla – A name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Yara – A name with multiple origins, including Arabic and Brazilian, often meaning “water lady” or “small butterfly.”

Yasmine – A variant of Jasmine, meaning “fragrant flower.”

Zara – A name of Arabic origin, meaning “princess” or “blooming flower.”

Zephyr – A name representing the gentle west wind, often associated with calmness and peace.

Zoe – A Greek name, meaning “life.”

181 Unique Pretty Last Names for Boys and their Meanings

Pretty Last Names for boys

Looking for pretty last names for boys? Then treat yourself to these 181 unique surnames for boys.

We’ve also included the meaning of each name to help you pick the best. Enjoy!

Aaron – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “high mountain” or “exalted.”

Abel – A name of Hebrew origin, possibly meaning “breath” or “vanity.”

Abraham – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “father of many” or “father of a multitude.”

Adam – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “man” or “earth.”

Adrian – A name of Latin origin, meaning “man of Adria,” referring to the Adriatic Sea region.

Aidan – An Irish name, meaning “little fire” or “fiery one.”

Alexander – A name of Greek origin, meaning “defender of the people.”

Alfred – A name of Old English origin, meaning “elf counsel” or “wise counselor.”

Allen – A name of Celtic origin, meaning “handsome” or “harmony.”

Andrew – A name of Greek origin, meaning “manly” or “strong.”

Anthony – A name of Latin origin, possibly meaning “priceless” or “worthy of praise.”

Archer – A name referring to a skilled bowman or archer.

Arthur – A name of Celtic origin, meaning “bear” or “noble.”

Asher – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “happy” or “blessed.”

Ashton – An English name, possibly meaning “ash tree town.”

Atticus – A name of Greek origin, possibly meaning “man of Attica” (a region in Greece).

Austin – An English name, possibly meaning “great” or “magnificent.”

Benjamin – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “son of the right hand.”

Bennett – A variant of Benedict, meaning “blessed” or “fortunate.”

Bentley – A name with English and Old Norse origins, meaning “clearing covered with bent grass.”

Blake – An English name, possibly meaning “black” or “dark-haired.”

Brandon – An English name, possibly meaning “broom-covered hill” or “hill covered in gorse.”

Brian – An Irish name, meaning “strong” or “noble.”

Bryce – A name of Scottish origin, possibly meaning “speckled” or “freckled.”

Bryson – A name derived from Bryan or Brian, meaning “son of Brian” or “son of a nobleman.”

Caleb – A name of Hebrew origin, possibly meaning “faithful” or “devotion to God.”

Callum – A Scottish name, meaning “dove” or “peace.”

Cameron – A Scottish name, meaning “crooked nose” or “bent nose.”

Carter – An English name, referring to a person who transports goods by cart.

Charles – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “man” or “free man.”

Christian – A name of Greek origin, meaning “follower of Christ.”

Christopher – A name of Greek origin, meaning “bearer of Christ.”

Clark – An English name, meaning “cleric” or “scribe.”

Clayton – An English name, meaning “clay settlement” or “place with clay.”

Cody – An Irish name, meaning “helpful” or “helpful one.”

Colin – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “young pup” or “cub.”

Connor – An Irish name, meaning “lover of hounds” or “wolf lover.”

Cooper – An English name, referring to a person who makes or repairs barrels.

Corey – A name of Irish origin, meaning “hollow” or “dwell in a hollow.”

Craig – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “rock” or “crag.”

Daniel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my judge.”

David – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “beloved” or “friend.”

Declan – An Irish name, possibly meaning “man of prayer” or “full of goodness.”

Derek – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “ruler of the people.”

Desmond – A name of Irish origin, meaning “one from South Munster.”

Dylan – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “son of the sea” or “sea.”

Eli – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “ascended” or “my God.”

Elijah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “my God is Yahweh.”

Elliot – A name of English origin, meaning “God is my God.”

Ellis – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “benevolent” or “kind.”

Ethan – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “strong,” “firm,” or “steadfast.”

Evan – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “young warrior” or “youth.”

Everett – A name of English origin, meaning “brave” or “strong as a wild boar.”

Felix – A Latin name, meaning “fortunate” or “lucky.”

Finn – A name of Irish origin, meaning “fair” or “white.”

Finnian – A name derived from Finn, meaning “fair” or “white.”

Gabriel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength.”

Gavin – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “white hawk” or “little falcon.”

George – A name of Greek origin, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker.”

Gideon – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “mighty warrior” or “hewer of wood.”

Graham – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “gravelly homestead” or “gray home.”

Grayson – A name of English origin, meaning “son of the steward” or “son of the gray-haired one.”

Gregory – A name of Greek origin, meaning “watchful” or “vigilant.”

Griffin – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “strong lord” or “lord of the forest.”

Gunner – A name of Scandinavian origin, meaning “bold warrior” or “cannon operator.”

Harrison – A name of English origin, meaning “son of Harry” or “son of Henry.”

Hayden – A name of English origin, meaning “heather-covered hill” or “hay valley.”

Henry – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “ruler of the household” or “estate ruler.”

Hudson – A name referring to the Hudson River, possibly meaning “son of Hugh” or “son of the mind.”

Hugo – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “mind,” “intellect,” or “spirit.”

Hunter – A name representing a person who hunts game or animals.

Ian – A Scottish variation of John, meaning “God is gracious.”

Isaac – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “he will laugh.”

Isaiah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Yahweh is salvation.”

Jackson – A name of English origin, meaning “son of Jack” or “son of John.”

Jacob – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “supplanter” or “holder of the heel.”

James – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “supplanter” or “holder of the heel.”

Jason – A name of Greek origin, meaning “healer” or “to heal.”

Jasper – A name of Persian origin, meaning “treasurer” or “bringer of treasure.”

Jayden – A modern name of uncertain origin and meaning.

Jeffrey – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “peaceful ruler” or “peaceful district.”

Jeremiah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Yahweh will uplift” or “appointed by God.”

Jesse – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift” or “wealth.”

Joel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Yahweh is God.”

John – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is gracious.”

Jonah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “dove” or “peaceful.”

Jonathan – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift of God.”

Jordan – A name referring to the Jordan River, possibly meaning “descend” or “flow down.”

Joseph – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “may he add” or “God increases.”

Joshua – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Yahweh is salvation.”

Julian – A name of Latin origin, meaning “youthful” or “downy-bearded.”

Justin – A name of Latin origin, meaning “just” or “fair.”

Kai – A name of Hawaiian origin, meaning “sea.”

Keegan – A name of Irish origin, possibly meaning “small flame” or “ardent.”

Kellan – An Irish name, meaning “slender” or “fair.”

Kevin – An Irish name, meaning “handsome” or “gentle.”

Kieran – An Irish name, meaning “little dark one” or “black-haired.”

Kyle – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “narrow strait” or “channel.”

Landon – An English name, possibly meaning “long hill” or “ridge.”

Lawrence – A name of Latin origin, meaning “from Laurentum,” a city in ancient Italy.

Leo – A name of Latin origin, meaning “lion.”

Liam – A name often considered a diminutive of William, meaning “strong-willed warrior.”

Lincoln – A name of English origin, meaning “lake settlement.”

Logan – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “small hollow” or “little warrior.”

Lucas – A name of Latin origin, meaning “light” or “illumination.”

Luke – A name of Greek origin, meaning “from Lucania,” a region in southern Italy.

Maddox – A name of Welsh origin, possibly meaning “fortunate” or “benevolent.”

Mason – A name of English origin, meaning “worker in stone” or “bricklayer.”

Matthew – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift of God.”

Matthias – A name of Greek origin, meaning “gift of God.”

Max – A name often considered a diminutive of Maximilian, meaning “greatest.”

Michael – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “who is like God?”

Miles – A name of Latin origin, meaning “soldier” or “merciful.”

Morgan – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “sea circle” or “bright sea.”

Nathan – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift” or “given.”

Nathaniel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift of God.”

Nicholas – A name of Greek origin, meaning “victory of the people.”

Noah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “rest” or “comfort.”

Oliver – A name of Latin origin, possibly meaning “olive tree” or “peace.”

Oscar – A name of Irish origin, possibly meaning “deer lover” or “champion warrior.”

Owen – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “young warrior” or “well-born.”

Parker – A name of English origin, meaning “park keeper.”

Patrick – A name of Irish origin, meaning “noble” or “nobleman.”

Paul – A name of Latin origin, meaning “small” or “humble.”

Peter – A name of Greek origin, meaning “rock” or “stone.”

Peyton – A name of English origin, meaning “fighting man’s estate.”

Philip – A name of Greek origin, meaning “lover of horses.”

Phoenix – A name referring to the mythical bird that rises from its ashes.

Pierce – A name of English origin, meaning “rock” or “stone.”

Porter – A name of English origin, meaning “gatekeeper” or “doorkeeper.”

Preston – A name of English origin, meaning “priest’s town” or “town near a church.”

Quentin – A name of Latin origin, possibly meaning “fifth.”

Quinlan – An Irish name, meaning “slender” or “graceful.”

Quinn – An Irish name, meaning “descendant of Conn” or “chief.”

Rafael – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God has healed.”

Raphael – A name of Hebrew origin, also meaning “God has healed.”

Raymond – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “wise protector.”

Reid – A name of English origin, meaning “red-haired” or “red.”

Rhys – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “ardent” or “enthusiastic.”

Richard – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “brave ruler.”

Riley – An Irish name, meaning “valiant” or “courageous.”

Robert – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “bright fame.”

Robin – A name often considered a diminutive of Robert, meaning “bright fame.”

Roger – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “famous spear” or “renowned warrior.”

Rowan – A name of Irish origin, meaning “little redhead” or “red tree.”

Ryan – An Irish name, meaning “little king.”

Samuel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “heard by God.”

Santiago – A name of Spanish origin, meaning “Saint James.”

Sawyer – A name referring to a person who saws wood or timber.

Scott – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “from Scotland” or “a person from Scotland.”

Sebastian – A name of Greek origin, meaning “venerable” or “revered.”

Seth – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “appointed” or “placed.”

Shane – An Irish name, possibly meaning “gift from God.”

Shawn – A variant of Sean, which is an Irish name meaning “God is gracious.”

Silas – A name of Latin origin, meaning “wooded” or “forest.”

Simon – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “hearing” or “listening.”

Steven – A variant of Stephen, which means “crown” or “garland.”

Stuart – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “steward” or “guardian.”

Sullivan – An Irish name, meaning “black-eyed one” or “little dark-eyed one.”

Theo – A name often considered a diminutive of Theodore, meaning “gift of God.”

Theodore – A name of Greek origin, meaning “gift of God.”

Thomas – A name of Greek origin, meaning “twin.”

Timothy – A name of Greek origin, possibly meaning “honoring God.”

Tobias – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is good.”

Todd – An English name, possibly meaning “fox” or “clever.”

Tommy – A diminutive of Thomas, meaning “twin.”

Trevor – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “homestead on a hill.”

Tristan – A name of Celtic origin, possibly meaning “riot” or “tumult.”

Tyler – An English name, meaning “tile maker” or “roof builder.”

Ulysses – A name of Greek origin, often associated with the legendary hero Odysseus.

Victor – A name of Latin origin, meaning “conqueror” or “victorious.”

Vincent – A name of Latin origin, meaning “conquering” or “victorious.”

Warren – An English name, meaning “enclosed park” or “protector.”

William – A name of Germanic origin, meaning “resolute protector” or “will helmet.”

Wyatt – A name of English origin, possibly meaning “brave in war.”

Xander – A diminutive of Alexander, meaning “defender of the people.”

Xavier – A name of Basque origin, meaning “new house” or “bright.”

Yael – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “mountain goat” or “ibex.”

Yannick – A name of Breton origin, often considered a variant of John, meaning “God is gracious.”

Zachary – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “remembered by God.”

Zane – A name of Hebrew origin, possibly meaning “gift from God.”

Conclusion on the Pretty Last Names for Girls and Boys

Pretty Last Names

In conclusion, there are countless pretty last names to choose from for both girls and boys.

Whether you prefer elegant and sophisticated surnames or unique and whimsical ones, there is something out there to suit every taste.

These pretty last names can add a touch of charm and personality to one’s identity, making them an important consideration when naming a child.

So take your time, explore different options, and find the perfect pretty last name that will make your little one stand out.

Happy naming!

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