100 Unique Peruvian Last Names/Surnames & Their Meanings

Looking for a list of Peruvian last names/surnames and their meanings? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Peru, a land of rich culture and diverse heritage, is known for its unique Peruvian surnames that often carry profound meanings and historical significance.

In this post, we’ll be taking a look at 100 unique Peruvian last names/surnames along with their meanings.

These Peruvian surnames, with roots in Spanish, Quechua, Basque and other languages, reflect the country’s multifaceted past and the blending of different cultures over centuries.

So join us on this journey to uncover the hidden stories behind these Peruvian last names/surnames and discover the fascinating tapestry of Peru’s heritage.

100 Unique Peruvian Last Names/Surnames & Their Meanings

Peruvian Last Names/Surnames

Note: Surnames are typically gender-neutral, so the below Peruvian surnames can be used for both boys and girls.

1. Aguirre

Meaning: Aguirre is of Basque origin and means “bush” or “thicket.”

Gender: It is a gender-neutral Peruvian surname, meaning it can be used for both boys and girls.

2. Alarcón

Meaning: Alarcón is of Spanish origin and is associated with “fortress” or “castle.”

Gender: It is typically a surname but can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

3. Alvarez

Meaning: Alvarez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Alvaro” or “noble and wise.”

Gender: It is a common surname and is more often used for boys as a first name.

4. Aranda

Meaning: Aranda is of Spanish origin and is related to “a place with sand or gravel.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

5. Arce

Meaning: Arce is of Spanish origin and means “maple tree” or “tree with reddish-brown bark.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

6. Armas

Meaning: Armas is of Spanish origin and means “arms” or “weapons.”

Gender: It is typically a surname but can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

7. Ayala

Meaning: Ayala is of Basque origin and means “slope” or “hillside.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

8. Baca

Meaning: Baca is of Spanish origin and means “cow” or “ox.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

9. Baldeon

Meaning: Baldeon doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning. It may be a less common surname.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname, and its suitability as a first name may vary.

10. Bautista

Meaning: Bautista is of Spanish origin and means “baptist,” often referring to John the Baptist.

Gender: It is commonly used for boys as a first name.

11. Benavides

Meaning: Benavides is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a specific meaning.

Gender: It is typically used as a surname, but it can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

12. Caballero

Meaning: Caballero is of Spanish origin and means “gentleman” or “knight.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

13. Calderon

Meaning: Calderon is of Spanish origin and means “cauldron” or “large pot.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

14. Carpio

Meaning: Carpio is of Spanish origin and refers to “a place with thorny bushes.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

15. Casas

Meaning: Casas is of Spanish origin and means “houses” or “dwelling places.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

16. Castillo

Meaning: Castillo is of Spanish origin and means “castle” or “fortress.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

17. Castro

Meaning: Castro is of Spanish origin and means “castle” or “fortified place.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

18. Chavez

Meaning: Chavez is of Spanish origin and means “horseman” or “rider.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

19. Cisneros

Meaning: Cisneros is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is typically used as a surname, but it can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

20. Cornejo

Meaning: Cornejo is of Spanish origin and means “cornel tree” or “dogwood.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

21. Coronado

Meaning: Coronado is of Spanish origin and means “crowned” or “having a crown.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

22. Cueva

Meaning: Cueva is of Spanish origin and means “cave” or “cavern.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

23. Del Pino

Meaning: Del Pino is of Spanish origin and means “of the pine tree” or “from the pine forest.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

24. Delgado

Meaning: Delgado is of Spanish origin and means “thin” or “slender.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

25. Diaz

Meaning: Diaz is of Spanish origin and means “son of Diego” or “supplanter.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

26. Escobar

Meaning: Escobar is of Spanish origin and means “place with thorny bushes” or “thorn thicket.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

27. Escudero

Meaning: Escudero is of Spanish origin and means “squire” or “shield-bearer.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

28. Espinoza

Meaning: Espinoza is of Spanish origin and means “thorny” or “spiny.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

29. Fernandez

Meaning: Fernandez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Fernando” or “bold voyager.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

30. Figueroa

Meaning: Figueroa is of Spanish origin and means “fig tree” or “place of fig trees.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

31. Flores

Meaning: Flores is of Spanish origin and means “flowers” or “blooms.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

32. Galvez

Meaning: Galvez is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

33. Garcia

Meaning: Garcia is of Basque origin and means “young” or “youthful.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

34. Gonzales

Meaning: Gonzales is of Spanish origin and means “son of Gonzalo” or “battle.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

35. Guerra

Meaning: Guerra is of Spanish origin and means “war” or “battle.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

36. Guzman

Meaning: Guzman is of Spanish origin and means “good man” or “noble man.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

37. Herrera

Meaning: Herrera is of Spanish origin and means “blacksmith” or “ironworker.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

38. Hidalgo

Meaning: Hidalgo is of Spanish origin and means “noble” or “gentleman.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

39. Huaman

Meaning: Huaman is of Quechua origin and means “hawk” or “falcon.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

40. Huancayo

Meaning: Huancayo is of Quechua origin and refers to a city in Peru.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a geographical reference rather than a first name.

41. Huertas

Meaning: Huertas is of Spanish origin and means “orchards” or “gardens.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

42. Jara

Meaning: Jara is of Spanish origin and means “rockrose” or “cistus flower.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

43. Landa

Meaning: Landa is of Basque origin and refers to “a cleared or cultivated land.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

44. Lazo

Meaning: Lazo is of Spanish origin and means “knot” or “tie.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

45. Leon

Meaning: Leon is of Spanish origin and means “lion.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

46. Llave

Meaning: Llave is of Spanish origin and means “key.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

47. Loayza

Meaning: Loayza is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

48. Lopez

Meaning: Lopez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Lope” or “wolf.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

49. Luna

Meaning: Luna is of Latin origin and means “moon.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

50. Martinez

Meaning: Martinez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Martin” or “warrior of Mars.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

51. Medina

Meaning: Medina is of Arabic origin and refers to a “city” or “town.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

52. Melgarejo

Meaning: Melgarejo is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

53. Mendoza

Meaning: Mendoza is of Basque origin and refers to a town in Spain.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

54. Montes

Meaning: Montes is of Spanish origin and means “mountains.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

55. Morales

Meaning: Morales is of Spanish origin and means “mulberry trees” or “blackberry trees.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

56. Navarro

Meaning: Navarro is of Basque origin and means “plains” or “valleys.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

57. Nunez

Meaning: Nunez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Nuno” or “ninth.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

58. Olivera

Meaning: Olivera is of Spanish origin and means “olive tree” or “olive grove.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

59. Ortega

Meaning: Ortega is of Spanish origin and means “nettle” or “thornbush.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

60. Pacheco

Meaning: Pacheco is of Spanish origin and means “peacock.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

61. Palacios

Meaning: Palacios is of Spanish origin and means “palaces” or “noble residences.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

62. Paredes

Meaning: Paredes is of Spanish origin and means “walls” or “fences.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name

63. Peralta

Meaning: Peralta is of Spanish origin and means “high pear tree” or “elevated grove of pear trees.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

64. Perez

Meaning: Perez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Pedro” or “rock.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

65. Pinto

Meaning: Pinto is of Spanish origin and means “painted” or “colorful.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

66. Pizarro

Meaning: Pizarro is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

67. Poma

Meaning: Poma is of Quechua origin and means “apple.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

68. Quispe

Meaning: Quispe is of Quechua origin and means “free” or “liberated.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

69. Ramirez

Meaning: Ramirez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Ramiro” or “wise protector.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

70. Ramos

Meaning: Ramos is of Spanish origin and means “branches” or “boughs.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

71. Rios

Meaning: Rios is of Spanish origin and means “rivers.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

72. Rodriguez

Meaning: Rodriguez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Rodrigo” or “famous ruler.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

73. Rojas

Meaning: Rojas is of Spanish origin and means “red.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

74. Roman

Meaning: Roman is of Latin origin and means “Roman” or “citizen of Rome.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

75. Salcedo

Meaning: Salcedo is of Spanish origin and means “willow grove” or “place of willow trees.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

76. Sanchez

Meaning: Sanchez is of Spanish origin and means “son of Sancho” or “saint.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

77. Santa Cruz

Meaning: Santa Cruz is of Spanish origin and means “Holy Cross.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

78. Santiago

Meaning: Santiago is of Spanish origin and means “Saint James.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a masculine first name.

79. Santillan

Meaning: Santillan is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

80. Santisteban

Meaning: Santisteban is of Spanish origin and means “Saint Stephen.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

81. Silva

Meaning: Silva is of Latin origin and means “forest” or “woods.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

82. Solis

Meaning: Solis is of Latin origin and means “sun” or “sunlight.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

83. Soto

Meaning: Soto is of Spanish origin and means “grove” or “thicket.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

84. Sulca

Meaning: Sulca doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning. It may be a less common surname.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname, and its suitability as a first name may vary.

85. Tafur

Meaning: Tafur doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning. It may be a less common surname.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname, and its suitability as a first name may vary.

86. Tello

Meaning: Tello is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

87. Tineo

Meaning: Tineo doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning. It may be a less common surname.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname, and its suitability as a first name may vary.

88. Torres

Meaning: Torres is of Spanish origin and means “towers.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

89. Tovar

Meaning: Tovar is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

90. Tuesta

Meaning: Tuesta is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

91. Ugarte

Meaning: Ugarte is of Basque origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

92. Uribe

Meaning: Uribe is of Basque origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

93. Valenzuela

Meaning: Valenzuela is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

94. Vargas

Meaning: Vargas is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

95. Vega

Meaning: Vega is of Spanish origin and means “meadow” or “field.”

Gender: It can be used for both boys and girls as a first name.

96. Velasco

Meaning: Velasco is of Spanish origin and means “crow” or “raven.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

97. Villanueva

Meaning: Villanueva is of Spanish origin and means “new town” or “new village.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

98. Zamora

Meaning: Zamora is of Spanish origin and refers to a city in Spain.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a geographical reference rather than a first name.

99. Zapata

Meaning: Zapata is of Spanish origin and means “shoe” or “sandal.”

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

100. Zavala

Meaning: Zavala is of Spanish origin and doesn’t have a widely recognised meaning.

Gender: It is more commonly used as a surname rather than a first name.

Conclusion on the 100 Unique Peruvian Last Names/Surnames & Their Meanings

As we finish our journey through these 100 unique Peruvian last names and their meanings,” we’ve learned about the rich history that makes Peru’s names special.

These Peruvian last names hold stories from many generations, remind us of old traditions and show how the people in Peru have been strong.

From the Spanish conquerors to the native Quechua speakers, each name is like a special part of Peru’s history.

We hope this post has made you curious about Peruvian last names and what they mean.

It’s a way to remember that every name has a bit of history, and there’s a unique story behind each last name.

Whether you have Peruvian family or just like learning about different cultures, these Peruvian last names and their meanings show a glimpse of Peru’s interesting past and present.

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