Are you a parent of twins, triplets or more? Then we would love for you to share your story, advice and/ or tips on Multiples Illuminated!
We accept syndicated posts, where we will publish a previously published post from your blog (or other sites if you own the rights and have permission) with two link backs to your blog, and feature your bio and social media links.
We do reserve the right to edit accordingly, with the promise that we will never change the voice and tone of the post.
The editors do have final say what runs on the site, as we are most familiar with the formatting, standards and our audience best.
We are committed to promoting your post on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Should you wish to submit an original, previously unpublished post, please send us a pitch first to [email protected]. We are currently unable to compensate monetarily for original posts, but we will promote it heavily on all social media channels.
We also love when a featured blogger promotes the post on their blog, social media channels, and follow Multiples Illuminated on the social media channels they wish to be featured on.
Here are the kinds of posts we would love:
- Struggles and/ or triumphs with infertility
- Pregnant with multiples
- Raising multiples: the first year
- Raising multiples: the toddler years
- Raising multiples: the preschool years
- Raising multiples: the kindergarten years
- Raising multiples: the elementary school years
- Raising multiples: the tween years
- Raising multiples: the teen years
- Raising multiples: the college years
- Breastfeeding/ bottle feeding multiples
- How-tos on getting organized with multiples (getting ready in the morning, feeding, preparing meals, night time routines etc.)
- Preparing for a stay in the NICU/ experience in the NICU
- Tips on managing sibling relationships between multiples and their singleton brothers/ sisters
- Sleep training/ co-sleeping/ any sleep-related stories/ advice/ tips
- Traveling with multiples
- Nursery ideas
- Birthday party ideas
- Any parenting story/ advice about multiples
Are you ready to share your story? Click below to send us your post! We look forward to reading it. Email us with you submission to guest@multiplesilluminated
To find out more about our partnership, book and website, listen to our podcast interview with Beyond Your Blog.